Clear Your Beliefs | Menlightenment


A Book for Awakening Men

Menlightenmenttm is a book is for men who want to awaken to their full power, presence, passion, and purpose.

It’s also for women who want to be with a man who embodies his full power, presence, passion, and purpose.

It contains 50+ pages of powerful, punchy, man-to-man ideas and advice. It offers specific instruction on how to become a better man, a better lover, a better father, and a better human being – step by step, day by day, belief by belief, and action by action.

Register below to receive your copy of Menlightenment.

Learn dozens of ways to improve your life, your work, and your relationships. Learn what it takes to awaken into true manhood in the 21st Century.

Women who have read Menlightenment have given it rave reviews, and they want their men to read it.

Women: here’s a warning: Don’t give this book to a man if you think he’s messed up and he needs to be fixed or improved. He won’t read it. He’ll react as if you were his critical mother telling him there’s something wrong with him. Nothing turns a man off faster.

Instead, print it out and leave it sitting around somewhere random where he will eventually notice it. If he asks you about it, say something like, “Oh yeah – Janet and her husband read it, and liked it, so I got one. It seems interesting.” Then walk away.

DO NOT bring it up in a discussion, either. If HE brings it up, you’re in the clear. Ask him what he liked, or found interesting. Put your attention on his good qualities and acknowledge those qualities. That is the fastest way to get him to become the man you want him to be.

When you register, you’ll receive periodic emails about my work, including articles, programs for belief change, awakening, personal growth, and relationship enhancement – for individuals, couples, and families. (You can unsubscribe anytime.)

Fill out the form and you’ll get a confirmation email with directions on how to download the eBook.

Men: I hope this instruction manual serves you with inspiration and motivation. May you grow, change, and become the man you’ve always wanted to be.

Lion Goodman, PCC
Author, Teacher, Coach, Healer
Contact me.